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190 Amp Yanmar kits

240 Amp kit for Yanmar

330 Amp kit for Yanmar

190 Amp Yanmar belt kit

Fast Flow emergency bilge pump- Amazing flow

Inexpencive three step regulator

Marine books by
Scott Fratcher

Fast Flow emergency bilge pumps

ElectroMaax battery chargers

Fast charge rates

Inexpencive universial regulators


Chapter from

"How to make money with boats"

By: Scott Fratcher - Marine Engineer/Captain

Table of contents-

Forward: Twenty years and 150,000 miles ago Scott Fratcher and his wife Allison Thompson set off cruising on their rugged steel, “bought on the cheap”, home built sailboat. They left with thirty dollars in cash, and no money in the bank. Scott and Allison brought with them a boatload full of tools and the skills needed to work along the way. This book contains the system they used to first survive, and then prosper working there way along in the third world.
Scott Fratcher has been a continual “highliner” in the field of “drybacks” and is a world leader in his ability to work along the way while still enjoying the cruising lifestyle. Now for the first time ever a book specifically explains the systems and processes to allow the “poor” yachtie to leave now and never return to the “real world” until they desire to do so. This book contains the methods to achieve true freedom from the rigors of everyday life. You may still have to get up and go to work every day, but you’ll be doing it at your own pace and from remote locations surrounded by tropical fish, coconuts and wonderful cruising folk who also made the break.
This is NOT a book on how to live cheap. It’s a book on how to make money on the cruising circuit working for other yachts. The book also contains methods of shipping your products back “home” or working for the first world from your international “mobile work platform”. Either way this book contains 50 proven onboard small business that cruisers the world over are using to make their living while enjoying the freedoms of the cruising sailboat. Cruising Careers is full of true stories of how thriving cruisers have succeeded in living their dream TODAY!
Scott Fratcher is also the author of:
How to buy your boat cheap-NOW! Methods of buying a ready cruising boat in the third world.

Confessions of an Alaskan Marine Engineer

50 Proven Onboard Businesses to support the voyage
1st Edition
Book #2 in the Cruising Careers series

Copyright Scott Fratcher 2005
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the publisher. Reviews may quote brief passages without the written consent of the publisher as long as proper credit is given.
This book is sold for informational purposes only. The publisher/author will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book.
Captain Allison Thompson
Thanks for enduring all these different ways of making a living over the past twenty years

My Apology:
I was born dyslexic. When the time came to publish the first version of this book I was faced with paying an editor and proof reader. The price for both would have to been passed on to the reader. After much thought I decided to release the first version as quickly as I could to get the word out.

For that reason I am releasing this book NOW, and will be correcting the last of the errors… soon.

Note-The links to the TOC are just getting worked out. Stay tuned and they will slowly become more accurate.

Use toolbar on left under "How to make money with boats" to read the full text, or buy the book here.



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